Following up on the first European Traffic Education Seminar held in October 2017, VSV, ETSC and Fundacion Mapfre started the LEARN! (Leveraging Education to Advance Road safety Now!) project in February 2018.

The LEARN! project aims to improve the quality of traffic safety and mobility education in Europe by providing information, tools and resources to education experts as well as policy recommendations to decision makers.

The project focuses in particular on the education of children and youngsters, as they have a right to grow up safely, and traffic safety should therefore be an important and natural part of their everyday life.

As a first step, the ‘LEARN! Status Report’ set out the status of traffic safety and mobility education in Europe. It showed that the provision of such education differs widely across Europe, with most countries not fulfilling their commitment to provide traffic safety and mobility education on a systematic and continuous basis, notably in schools at all levels.

The ‘LEARN! Key Principles Report’ sets out 17 recommendations that should be implemented in all countries in order to ensure that everyone – and especially children and youngsters – receives high quality traffic safety and mobility education.

The ‘LEARN! Manual’ is handbook for developing and evaluating activities and programmes for traffic safety and mobility education. It sets out recommendations, criteria and guidance to develop and implement sound educational activities in an accessible way.

The ‘LEARN! Flashes’ is a series of shorter reports that focus on specific aspects related to traffic safety and mobility education.

The LEARN! project also organises events and webinars where road safety education experts present and discuss best practices and interesting projects.

The LEARN! project is currently coordinated by ETSC and supported by Fundación MAPFRE.