ETSC, Fundación MAPFRE and VSV gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the following experts providing guidance for the project:
- Eva Aigner-Breuss, Anita Eichhorn & Daniela Knowles, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit (KFV), Austria
- Werner de Dobbeleer, Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV), Belgium
- Alena Daňková, Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu (CDV), Czech Republic
- Lise Heiner Schmidt, Rådet for Sikker Trafik, Denmark
- Satu Tuomikoski, Liikenneturva, Finland
- Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona, RSI Panos Mylonas, Greece
- Francesco Moledda, Fondazione Unipolis, Italy
- Wilma Slinger, CROW-KpVV, the Netherlands
- Kristin Eli Strømme & Lena Westrum, Trygg Trafikk, Norway
- Alain Areal, Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (PRP), Portugal
- Jesús Monclús González & Susana de la Antonia Perez, Fundación MAPFRE, Spain
- Debbie Nicol, Road Safety Scotland – Transport Scotland, United Kingdom
ETSC, Fundación MAPFRE and VSV also gratefully acknowledge the invaluable contributions of the following experts previously providing guidance for the project:
- Martine Aitken, Spain
- Evangelos Makris, RSI Panos Mylonas, Greece
- Michael McDonnell, Road Safety Scotland – Transport Scotland, United Kingdom
- Claire Smith, Transport Scotland, the United Kingdom
- Veronika Valentová, Centrum Dopravního Výzkumu (CDV), Czech Republic