#9 – Ensure that traffic safety and mobility education is about knowledge, skills, attitudes and motivations as well as training in traffic

Traffic safety and mobility education should not only be about gaining knowledge and understanding of traffic rules, but also about developing and improving skills as well as strengthening and changing attitudes and motivations.

Lessons should furthermore teach pupils about hazard perception and risk factors, anticipating the actions of other road users, and saying ‘no’ to others’ risk behaviour. They should also teach the pupils to reflect on their own and others’ attitudes, motivations and behaviours.

Lessons should not only take place in the class room, but also include training and experience in practice – in both protected and real-world environments, connected to real life problems in their environment and adapted to the role they have in the traffic system.

The LEARN! definition for traffic safety and mobility education includes all the mentioned elements. Click here for a more in-depth explanation.


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